Sunday, October 2, 2022

#849 Pumpkin Spice

 #849 Pumpkin Spice

 Just Because - Nala Sweater Dress worn on Belleza Gen X Curvy - Fits Kupra, Belleza Gen X Curvy & Classic, Legacy, Maitreya, eBody Reborn and Perky  Bodies - 18 Gorgeous Main Colors with 18 Secondary colors, 18 Strap colors with 18 stunning Patterns to choose from and 7 metal colors -  Can be found at Belleza GenX Event Going on now through the month of October 

▲ Just Because Mᴀʀᴋᴇᴛᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ  / ▲ Just Because Fʟɪᴄᴋʀ 

▲ Just Because FaceBook 

Glam Affair - Dasha Skin in Caramel Tone worn on Lelutka Avalon Evo X Head *But fits flawless on any Evo X head*, Layer C, Black Brows 100%, eye Make - Up 3, Freckles B, Lips Gloss 1 and Lips Toner 3, Moles, Face Shadow 20% -  worn with Glam Affair Body Skin Caramel Tone for Belleza Gen X Body - 6 Gorgeous Glam Affair Tones and 9 VELOUR tones to choose from - Each pack has Each pack comes with Black brows at 25%, 50% and 100% and White, Closed eyes, 4 Eye Make - Ups, 1 Freckles and 1 - 50%, 2 Layers and 1 no brow, 3 Lips Gloss and 7 Lips Toners, 2 Face Shadows 20% & 40%, 2 Ear Shadows 20% & 40%, and Moles also at Belleza Gen X Event

▲ -Glam Affair- Fʟɪᴄᴋʀ▲ -Glam Affair- Fᴀᴄᴇʙᴏᴏᴋ 

▲ -Glam Affair- Discord

// *HAIR - Exile  // *PUMPKIN MUG - Dahlia // *EARRINGS -  e.marie

My Instagram  //  FLICKR

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